Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Oculus Rift: Gaming From Your Brain

If you haven't heard of the Oculus Rift yet, you are seriously out of date with gaming news! Not to worry, this post here will tell you all about this strange piece of equipment! Even if you have heard of it, you might learn something new, so stick around!

The Oculus Rift is a Virtual Reality Headset. Basically, when you input a game into the headset and slip it over your eyes, you go directly into the 3D world. Your view changes as you move your head around, just like it would in real life (struggled not to say IRL there). Obviously, it's only a headset, so you still have to have a controller to be able to do things such as shoot, but gamers do like their shiny colorful buttons, don't they?

Already many games such as Half Life 2 and Minecraft have been announced for the Oculus Rift (well, to be completely honest Minecraft has used the Rift, but it isn't officially announced yet). However, the Oculus Rift is still in alpha, and at the time of my writing we don't have a definite release date. Developers and some gamers such as the famed CaptainSparklez have managed to aquired a Oculus though, and YouTube is alive with the videos made from it. Obviously it isn't like it would be IRL (xD that time I didn't even try), but I've certainly had laughs from it.

At the moment not much is on this blog post, and that is because there is not too much that the public knows about the Rift yet. When updated news comes out, be back here for more! The best way to follow the blog is through Google Plus, but there is an email tab on the right where you can subscribe by email.

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