Monday, September 9, 2013

Flash - Still Alive?

This is a much debated question. The new rage on the Internet is HTML5 and Java! It started so gradually that people didn't realize that Flash was being slowly pushed out of the way. Today many people, including me, still hold onto Flash and ActionScript. The reality is, Flash is just as good as gone.

Now, don't get me wrong, Flash is still very much used, just not in the same way as it once was. There are still loads of websites that use Flash. In fact, if Flash was taken out of the Internet today it would be surprising to see just how many websites that are frequented no longer display correctly. It is also used majorly in online games on websites such as and Addictingames. Many children and amateur adults use the Flash interface.

However, the new trend is HTML5, a supposedly faster, easier, and smarter way to go. It is used majorly in many websites, but it's downside is that for online games it does not provide Flash's versatility. So why is it supposedly better than Flash? If it doesn't take care of ALL of the things that Flash takes care of, there is no point, right? Well, it is a relatively new language, and there are not very many libraries for it, and almost no Internet tutorials. As the language progresses, there will be more ways to create programs such as games through HTML5.

To be completely honest, nowadays Flash is actually very outdated. Much of the scripting is old and is giving way to new languages such as Java.  It is a sad finality, but in the end it is for the best.

From what tech news says, Adobe is actually going to give up on Flash very soon and move on. (Please remember that 'very soon' could be 5 years) At that point, to use Flash people will have to use IDEs such as FlashDevelop.

I, however, am still a huge fan of Flash, and will continue to use it until it is true and gone. What side are you on? Flash or HTML5? Tell me in the comments below :)


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