Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Browsing The Web

Normal people spend hours on their computers. They play games, check email, and, most importantly, they browse the web. It is important then, what browser you use.

So here we are, in no particular order, the top 4 browsers on the Web!

The growing standard on windows and Android is Google Chrome. It boasts fast connection, and a whole App Store.

One of the many features of Chrome is that many online widgets and specialised websites support it. On other browsers I have come often across sites that will ask you to "please download google chrome".

Recommended for: The average user who wants access to  all sites.
My Rating: 4.5/5

This browser dates back from the Stone Age with browsers such as Internet Explorer, but has managed to keep up with time.

OK, I bet you all remember those REALLY old computers that had IE 5 and if you wanted an upgrade you would get Firefox. Today, Firefox is much better than what it used to be. You can add plugins to it that will do just about anything you want it to do. An easy navigation bar means more bookmarks and easy access to favourite sites. It shows almost every site on the web easily. The thing that puts it on par with Chrome, is that it can be personalised with plugins.

Recommended for: The avid user who wants a personalised environment
My Rating: 4.5/5

This browser is probably the most overrated. On a Mac it is the standard for every computer.

Well, here we go. Most Mac fans always tell their Windows friends about Safari. "It's an incredibly fast browser of awesomeness!" Then, to humour their Mac friend, Windows users download it, run it, see that the speed is almost null, and trash it. Then of course they go to the Mac guy and yell at him. There is NO plugins, personalisation, or goodies available on this browser. I, as a Mac fan, am appalled at the lack of speed on windows! It really is a Mac browser, but even then not great.

Recommended  For: The average Mac user who is too lazy to download something else
My Rating: 1/5

Opera is a different browser than the rest. Almost unknown, this jewel of the Internet is actually one of the best.

Unlike the other browsers, this browser does not support all the websites. Some widgets refuse to work with Opera. The real gold in this browser is the Developer resources. It allows devs like me to play around with creating applications and plugins for the internet and Opera. It is very much community driven, and does not have the large company processes. You have a problem, call in. It will be about 5mins only.

Recommended For: Developers
My Rating: 4/5

So there you go! If you have a favourite, comment down below!

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