Monday, September 16, 2013

Programming on your Phone

Nowadays we can do almost anything on our 'smartphones.' Play fully 3D games, do impossible calculations, and manage our lives with a calendar. Naturally then, we should be able to program in its fullest. -_-

The problem with phones is that no one wants to sit down and do something for a long amount of time. That is why many games that hit stores are small and have very little depth. Programming, however, takes a large amount of time. With a tiny keyboard, it takes even MORE time to create programs that can do more than trace.

The you have the problem of compiling the code. Phones today are very powerful, but they do not support compilers such as the java compiler. Therefore they can write code, but you still have to be connected to a computer to use it! 

In the end it is easier to lug around a laptop. Many laptops today are thin and light anyways, so there is no big deal carrying one around. But still there are people who want to program on their phones, or are in a position where it is useful.

Well, there are limited programming devices on the App Store, and even less on Google Play. There are a few, however, and if you have a couple dollars in your back pocket, they are yours.

But what if there was a language FOR the phone. What if someone created a language and compiler that would work on phones. THEN, what if that could be compiled into a web application that could be placed on any HTML site? 

At the moment, I am thinking about doing just that for Android phones. If you think it is a good idea, please tell me down below, and give me suggestions. 

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