Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Power of KiK

So recently I got KiK. For those who do not know, KiK is a social messaging application. It is totally free, without ads, and is simple. You can share messages, pictures, emotes, and just about anything, but in a user-friendly interface that involves more talking than graphics.

To be completely honest, I'm addicted. It's amazing, just how easy it is. It's completely private too! Or you could invite tons of friends to one chat! It's easy!

So my question to myself was, do I REALLY need to be talking to people this much? My answer was, yes. I don't talk to many people IRL, partly because I have no life :D It is a great application, and can be used for many purposes. 

But, as with any programmer, I see how it could be made better. I recently launched the Alpha of a social networking system. It is not Available to the public, but should be fairly soon.

Well, I've been Mokko, and have a good day :)

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