Tuesday, October 22, 2013

So the Mavericks

Yeah so Apple is doing its thing and releasing Mavericks. I knew it would happen one day. Now I haven't personally seen the Mavericks yet, but for one I can say it takes a TON of time to download. Of course this is expected because it is an operating system, but I shudder to think of what plies ahead when I finally see what it looks like. And of course looks don't make all the difference, will it be a MAC? The recent iOS 7 basically butchered their original iOS and made a monster out of the iPhone 5S and 5C. I would like Mavericks to be a nice edition the the Mac software and an edition that I will actually use. Well, I will have to wait and see won't I?

Thursday, October 10, 2013


So America is my home country, but they seem to be messing themselves up right now -_-

When the government is shut down, half the people in America lose their jobs. The government says it is doing the shutdown to resolve issues, but what a great way to make MORE issues -_- Then Obama comes out and says lets put the government back up and THEN we can talk about issues like healthcare. Of course everyone knows he's lying through his teeth.

All in all, I just wish this country would fix itself!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Power of KiK

So recently I got KiK. For those who do not know, KiK is a social messaging application. It is totally free, without ads, and is simple. You can share messages, pictures, emotes, and just about anything, but in a user-friendly interface that involves more talking than graphics.

To be completely honest, I'm addicted. It's amazing, just how easy it is. It's completely private too! Or you could invite tons of friends to one chat! It's easy!

So my question to myself was, do I REALLY need to be talking to people this much? My answer was, yes. I don't talk to many people IRL, partly because I have no life :D It is a great application, and can be used for many purposes. 

But, as with any programmer, I see how it could be made better. I recently launched the Alpha of a social networking system. It is not Available to the public, but should be fairly soon.

Well, I've been Mokko, and have a good day :)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Ima back!

Hey guys and welcome! I've been away for the past week. I'm back now though, and I have news! I was able to record about 5 podcast episodes with friends, and those will go up weekly with the MokkoTechPod. If you havn't already, go ahead and subscribe to the Pod on iTunes or PodOmatic. Just search up 'MokkoTechPod'

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I'm Away ATM

So right now I'm not where I normally am staying. Sooo.. I'm away at the moment, that is why there is not very many blogs :D You know you love me. ;)

However, my podcast has been accepted! Yay! Search for it on iTunes and you can watch awesome stuff man! Yeah! Well, anyways, I've got to go, so see you dudes!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Pens and Paper - D and D with a twist

Be honest, all geeks, nerds, and hardcore gamers have a Dungeons and Dragons character inside them ready to burst out. While Knights of Pens and Paper isn't the best character customization tool, it does have ultimate turn based strategy. 

With the game you start out with two characters. You may choose a class for each character. Paladin, Rouge, Warrior, Cleric, or Druid. Each class has different skills. As well as class, there are characters with unique passive abilities. For example, the Pizzaman is half price to buy while in game.

As the game progresses, you receive gold. With gold you can add more characters. You can have a maximum of 5 characters. With gold you can also buy upgrades, items, new accessories, and more. 

One of the things that sets Knights of Pen and Paper apart is the ability to create your own quests. There are the story quests, obviously, but when you are just grinding mobs you can create your own battle quests, or rescue a grandpa. It's up to you :) When doing quests, you may choose the amount of mobs you would like to battle at one time. Does it feel like you are cheating? NO! The genius developers created a game that it is basically impossible to cheat in. 

All in all, it's a great game to buy. A world of fun wherever you are, as it is also available on Google Play and iOS.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Hey everyone. Today I start the MokkoTech podcast. Yes, that is why there have been a shortage of posts. I have just now sent the podcast off to the iTunes Store, so we'll see if it gets accepted. When it does, I will post a blog about the episode. For now, though, so long!